
Discover it® Secured card: check out how to apply!

Earn rewards without worrying about annual fees. Learn how to apply for one of the best cashback cards for building credit: the Discover it® Secured card!


Discover it® Secured card: build your credit without worrying about annual fees

Discover it® logo
Learn how to apply for this card. Source: Discover

Learn how to apply for Discover it® Secured, a credit building card. As a good card for this purpose, it offers free credit score consultation. In addition, with this product, you are exempt from liability in the event of fraud.

Furthermore, you can apply for this product online or by phone. Below, learn how you can apply online!


Credit card

Discover it® Secured

Cashback No annual fee

2% cashback, double score of your first year rewards, $0 annuity and foreign transfer fee.

You will be redirected to another website

How to apply on the website

Before applying for the Discover it® Secured card, you can pre-apply. This process ensures that you are eligible for that card without hurting your credit. To do so, go to the official website of that product.

There, click “apply now”. You will have to answer a simple form and you will receive the result in a very short time. Did you get a positive response? Now, you can apply. Just continue your registration by answering the questionnaires.

To speed up the process, please have:

  • Personal identification document;
  • Social Security Number;
  • Address.

Check your details, make sure your email and phone number are valid and click “submit”. Soon you will know when your card will be available.

How to apply using a mobile app

Mobile accessing the "Discover it® Mobile" app (apply Discover it® Secured card).
Learn how to apply for the card. Source: Discover

In fact, Discover it® also offers a mobile app option for its customers. This is “Discover Mobile” and you can download it for free from your smartphone’s app store.

Thus, it will be extremely useful to manage your account, receive rewards, track balances, deposit checks and many other options. However, this application does not accept applications.

Therefore, to apply for the Discover it® Secured card on your cell phone, you must access the official website of this product.

Discover it® Secured card vs. Capital One Platinum Secured card: choose which one is best for you

In fact, Discover it® Secured is a card with unique features. However, this product has good “rivals” on the market. One of them, without a doubt, is the Capital One Platinum Secured card.

So, which of these cards is the best option for you? Take a look at the comparative table below and decide!

Discover it® SecuredCapital One Platinum Secured
Credit ScorePoor (300-629)Bad/Fair (300-669)
Annual Fee$0$0
Regular APR24.49% (variable)26.99% (variable)
Welcome bonusBalance transfer APR 10.99% for 6 months after first transfer (for transfers made before October 10, 2022)None
Rewards2% cashback on gasoline and restaurants up to $1,000 per quarter; 1% unlimited on other purchases; double the amount of rewards earned in the first year (Cashback Match)None

How about taking a look at Capital One Platinum Secured’s strengths? Click on the link below and learn how to apply for this product.

Capital One Platinum Secured credit card

Capital One Platinum Secured card: check out how to apply!

The Capital One Platinum Secured card is an excellent tool for building credit with unique options like $0 annual fee and $1,000 limit. See how to apply for this card.

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