
Apply for the Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities

Seniors over 60 years old can request help to have comprehensive care with professional assistance and average assistance at any time. Learn more!


Seniors over 60 can count on medical assistance 24 hours a day!

Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities
Apply for the Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities. Source: Foster the Money

Find out how easy it is to apply for Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities.



Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities

Welfare Federal Program

Ensure professional monitoring and medical care 24/7!

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In fact, this is the biggest federal project to guarantee health and quality of life for the elderly. Then discover the documents required and how to apply!

Who is eligible for the program?

There are basic requirements for applying for the Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities. Learn more about each of them below:

  • Be 60 years old or older and be indigent;
  • Requires full-time medical/professional care;
  • Being South African;
  • Receive an old-age allowance or pension.

In an emergency, a medical report is sufficient for admission to senior care centers.

Furthermore, no elderly person can be admitted to these institutions against their will.

In addition, only in cases where a court order accompanies proof of mental incapacity for consent.

What documents do you need to provide?

Indeed, applying for Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities is an extremely simple process in terms of required documentation.

Thus, to request this help, the elderly/authorized personnel must present the following documents:

  • Valid South African ID;
  • Medical report proving the need for full-time care.

Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities application

Happy black woman and her senior father talk to caregiver at nursing home.
Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities application. Source: Adobe Stock

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for Admission of Seniors to Residential Facilities.

In fact, everything has been explained in as much detail as possible so that you don’t have any doubts.

Place of registration

Firstly, you can apply for this help at a residential facility. If you don’t know of any near you, contact your nearest social development department office.

There, you will receive information about the nearest residential facility.

Complete your application

Indeed, Come to the residential facility with your registration documents and request the registration form.

Fill it out and give it to the residential facilities agents.

You will then be screened to determine your eligibility for admission and for the Federal Seniors Allowance.

Evaluation and processing

After submitting your application, a social worker will schedule a home visit to assess your current living conditions. Then your application will be reviewed and processed.

That way, you’ll get a response within 30 days of your initial request. However, this can happen up to 14 days after the assessment visit.

Waiting list to apply to Admission of Older Persons to Residential Facilities

Admission is conditional on the availability of vacancies at the residential facility. If the institution does not offer vacancies, you will join a waiting list.

Find other assistance programs: Old Age Pension

Indeed, seniors across the country can count on a monthly federal aid of R2,000! To receive this help, you just need to meet the simple income and age criteria.

To find out if you are eligible, see the following post.

Old Age Pension

Apply for the Old Age Pension: find out how

Apply to Old Age Pension and get access to a benefit that guarantees quality of life! Up to R2,000 monthly!

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